Rayagada(Saroj Kumar Sahu) : The project offices of UANAT (Utkal’s Action for Agricultural Transformation) were inaugurated yesterday at Thuamul Rampur and Kashipur Block in the Kalahandi and Rayagada districts respectively in Odisha. UANAT is the joint initiative of UAIL (Utkal Alumina International Ltd) and BRLF (Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation). While the office at Thuamul Rampur will be managed by Voluntary organization “JANASAHAJYA”, the leading NGO, CYSD will take care at Kashipur of Rayagada as a CSO partner.
UANAT aims to double income of 15000(Fifteen Thousand) Household of both the blocks. A unique project aiming at UN Sustainable Developmental Goal number 17: “Partnership for the goals” where partnership is established between Government, CSO partner & corporate with convergence and collaborations.

The project office at Thuamul Rampur was inaugurated by Sri Mukesh Jha, Head Mines Operations & the ABDO (Addl. Block Development Officer) of T.Rampur block, while the project office of Kashipur Block was inaugurated at Oshapada by Sri Mazharullah Beig, the Unit Head UAIL and other senior management of UAIL.
Sri, Bharat Meher, ABDO, T Rampur Block, Sri Kuldeep Singh, COO BRLF, Sri Manikya Ch. Naik, Block Chairman ATMA were among the distinguished guests of the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, the Unit Head of UAIL, Mr. Mazhar Beig applauded the effort and encouraged the entire team of UANAT to make this a model program of Agriculture Transformation at state as well as at national level.
Sri Mukesh Jha, Head of Mines Operations, extended his gratitude towards the noble effort for transforming the lives of people residing in Mines Periphery.
In his deliberation Mr. Kuldeep Singh explained about the broad components of the project and its convergence modality. The entire program was coordinated by CR & Sustainability team of UAIL along with the team members from UAIL, CYSD and JANASAHAJYA.