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NHRIs need to play a vital role in ensuring the rights of poor and vulnerable sections of society, says Mr. Justice A. K. Mishra, Chairperson, NHRC, India at GANHRI annual meeting

New Delhi,/ Kalinga Voice: Mr. Justice A. K. Mishra, Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission, NHRC India, has said that the National Human Rights Institutions, NHRIs of various countries need to play a vital role in ensuring the rights of poor and vulnerable sections of society, who are at the receiving end in the time of the global pandemic. He said that the NHRIs need to emphasize upon their respective governments to ensure affordable access to healthcare and expeditious vaccination for all.

These views were expressed by Justice Mishra while leading a three member NHRC delegation comprising Mr. Bimbadhar Pradhan, Secretary General and Mrs. Anita Sinha, Joint Secretary during the course of online interaction in the knowledge exchange session of NHRIs at the annual meeting of the Global Alliance of NHRIs, GANHRI. While making interjections in the Knowledge Exchange session, he also shared the achievements of NHRC, India during the last year.

The Secretary General, NHRC, Mr. Bimbadhar Pradhan, being the Chair of the Finance Committee of the GANHRI, also made presentations to the GANHRI Bureau Meeting on 28th June, 2021 and GANHRI General Assembly.

The GANHRI annual meeting took place from 29th June to 1st July, 2021 in virtual mode. Besides the Knowledge Exchange session, the annual meeting also had sessions on Public Events on Business and Human Rights, GANHRI General Assembly and High Level Event to launch GANHRI Global Action Plan on Human Rights Defenders and Civic Space.

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