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Bhubaneswar, May 21: Doctors at the SUM Ultimate Medicare (SUMUM) have successfully conducted the Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE) procedure on an obese woman suffering from multiple uterine fibroids and post menopausal heavy bleeding.
As the morbidly obese patient was not a candidate for surgery, the safe and minimally invasive option was adopted which preserves the uterus and ovaries and is less painful.
The procedure, done for the first time at SUMUM, was conducted on Monday with PVA particles and Gel-foam embolisation, described as a new milestone achieved in management of uterine firbroids in patients who are not fit for surgery or those who seek an alternative to surgery.
UAE is a procedure in which tiny particles are injected into the blood vessels leading to the uterus which cut off the blood flow to the fibroid and cause it to shrink.
Dr. Sambit Kumar Pattanayak, Associate Consultant- Vascular and Interventional Radiology of SUMUM did the procedure and the patient was discharged from the hospital.

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