Utkal kick starts series of workshops focusing Mental Health

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First workshop focuseson students of Rural Campus, Chandikhol

Bhubaneshwar/(Kalinga Voice): The Rural Outreach Programme in association with Utkal Entrepreneurship and Career Hub (UECH) of Utkal University organized an online workshop on Impact of the pandemic on psycho-social well-being of students. This workshop is a first in a series of workshops on Mental Health that has been planned. Dr. BhaswatiPatnaik, HoD, Department was the expert resource person of the webinar where she shared her insights explaining various aspects of mental health issues that have arisen as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.  This is a first of a kind workshop that the varsity has initiated focusing on the students of its rural campus.

The world is facing the biggest calamity of this century and it has created a road that’s not easy for anyone to travel. It is a trying time especially for students with educational institutions remaining shut for more than eight months and with no clarity on the reopening. They also had to suddenly cope up with the new form of online classes. With an aim to help students combat issues related to mental helath, the Rural Outreach programme, set up under RUSA 2.0 who is actively working in the Chandikhol campus, organised this workshop.

Dr. BhaswatiPatnaik covered various aspects of mental health in the workshop. She also talked about “Right to Life with dignity” and it is a very important part of mental health as today marks the 71st Constitution Day of India. Students & Faculties of the rural campus actively participated in this workshop. Dr. J Dandpat, OSD, New Campus delivered opening remarks and Ms. SonaliMohapatra, Program Manager, Rural Outreach Programme, Utkal University moderated the sessions. Prof A. Khan, Director, UECH extended the formal vote of thanks.

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