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Railways has recently introduced various incentive schemes, to attract more freight transporters to tie up with Railways for transportation of freight traffic. These incentives/ benefits are provided at the Goods sheds and sidings, based on the traffic offered and according to the scheme guidelines. These incentive schemes are being liberalized even more to attract new freight traffics.
Earlier Concession was given to loading of Fly Ash in uniform bagged condition. Railway Board has now permitted loading of loose/bulk Fly Ash in Open wagons. Applicable concession will be as, 40% concession on NTR( Normal Tariff Rate) for Open Wagons (Bagged or loose/bulk packing) and Flat Wagons ( Bagged packing)  whereas for Covered Wagons, bagged packing will be permitted and will be charged at NTR of LR1(Low Rated) class only.
There will not be any restriction on floor rate and lead. But in case of bagged consignment it is to be in standard bag size and in case of bulk consignment, it is to be hydrated and covered by the tarpaulin. Customers shall strictly ensure the adherence to the conditions stipulated by State/Central Government regarding pollution control. These instructions will be effective from 8th August, 2020.
 Apart from this, Railway Board has also relaxed stabling charges applicable @ Rs. 525/- per wagons per day. Hence no stabling charge shall be levied in case of Container Traffic from 18th May, 2020 to 31st October, 2020. Further, on the lines of 25% discount being given on haulage rate per TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent) for movement of empty Containers & empty flat wagons, Railway Board has granted a 5% discount on haulage charge per TEU rates for movement of loaded containers. This is with effect from 4th August, 2020 to 30th April, 2021.
Earlier 14 freight incentives schemes were implemented for the benefit of freight customers & in addition to those, three more freight incentives have been initiated, which will definitely play a vital role in facilitating more customers to transport their consignment through Rail. More details regarding these freight incentives can be accessed on Indian Railways website and from any Goods shed in ECoR jurisdiction.

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