Vedanta organizes Mega Cataract Surgery Camp in Lanjigarh

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Lanjigarh/Kalahandi(Kalinga Voice)

Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarh, India’s premier producer of metallurgical grade alumina, organized a mega cataract surgery camp on 23rd February for the patients residing in the vicinity of the alumina refinery. The camp was organized by Vedanta Hospital at Lanjigarh, in association with Mahanadi Netra Chikitsalaya, Sonepur, adhering to the COVID restrictions.

A medical team including surgeons and ophthalmologists was deployed to ensure best-in-class check-up and treatment to elderly patients suffering from cataract.A total of 33 patients with complete / partial blindness due to cataract were screened and were successfully operated. The camp was flagged off by Mr. Rakesh Mohan, Chief Operating Officer, Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarh, in the presence of district officials, local leaders, villagers and Vedanta officials. The first Cataract Operation Camp commenced in 2014 and since then it has benefitted nearly 650 people in the region.

Talking about this initiative, Mr. Rakesh Mohan, Chief Operating Officer, Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarh unit said, “Healthcare for the community is one of our thrust areas. We are proud to share that over the years, we have successfully reached out to the community members. Through these camps, we ensure that the quality of life of people in and around our areas of operation is enhanced. Vedanta Lanjigarh unit is committed to the improvement of health indicators of local communities in Lanjigarh and the surrounding villages.”

Acknowledging Vedanta’s efforts,by Dr.Prashant Kumar Pramanik,AYUSH Doctor, Mobile Health Unit, Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarhsaid, “As a part of Vedanta’s multiple initiatives towards the betterment of the society, the Cataract Operation Camp is also a regular program through which the people in need get operated through the support of Vedanta. Through the Mobile Health Unit, we have increased the mobility of providing essential treatment and health check-ups on the doorstep. The MHU visits the villages on a regular basis.”

Appreciating the program, Mr. Dulab Dhangramajhi, a beneficiary from Ambodala, said “Vedanta has always been proactive in taking up measures to ensure the health and well-being of the community. The cataract surgery camps organized by the company have benefitted many people of the nearby villages. Vedanta’s support and initiatives to improve our lives are really appreciable.”

Vedanta’s social interventions in the domains of sustainable livelihood, women empowerment, quality education, health, water and sanitation, bio-investment and community infrastructure reach out to a total of 69 villages in Lanjigarh and nearby areas, benefiting about a lakh people in a year. It empowers more than 3000 women from 305 self-help groups (SHGs), provides healthcare services to about 30,000 people annually, gives educational support to more than 2800 students, has planted more than 5.4 lakh trees in the community, and built 500 plus infrastructural projects at community level.

Vedanta is the largest producer of aluminium in India and remains the premier manufacturer of metallurgical grade alumina. The company operates a 2 MTPA (million tonnes per annum) capacity alumina refinery in Lanjigarh (Kalahandi district, Odisha), India since 2007 and an associated 90 MW captive power plant.

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