Who speaks truth: Govt. or the crematorium- Niranjan

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice)– The people of the state are in deep mental agony about the data of Covid death which state govt. releases every day. Today the PCC President, Mr. Niranjan Patnaik, in a press statement has criticized the state govt. and challenged the govt. about the figure of the Covid death.Sri Patnaik said, “who speaks truth, the register for death registration in crematorium or the state government.”
Mr. Patnaik in his statement said, “the govt. is releasing press statement on an average of 20 people are dying due to Covid daily”. On 14th May the govt. the record claimed 22 death cases, but as per the crematorium registration book of Satyanagar alone 60 Covid dead bodies were cremated. It was told by their staff, and also it is reported by the Indian Express news agency. As per govt. record only 395 deaths in 2nd wave of covid-19 that means on an average 6 people are dying every day but the data collected from the ground zero i.e., from the register of crematorium the total no. of dead bodies cremated in different crematorium place of the state is approximately 2000 (as per The New Indian Express report) Excluding the rural death figure not known to the agency. The funeral fire of Satya Nagar, Satichaura, Khan Nagar will tell the tell-tell story of the death. So he criticized the state govt. for suppressing the actual death figure.
Mr. Patnaik, while retreating his statement about the exact no. of death due to Covid questioned to the state govt., is the number of death as per the govt. records is correct, than why the state govt. is expanding more number crematorium in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and also working to have new crematorium along with the existing one.
This speaks clearly due to more death our existing crematorium is not sufficient to handle the number of dead bodies.
If I am wrong, will the state govt. answer me why they are so fast in doing new crematorium?
The blatant lies of the Gujrat state govt. regarding actual Covid death was recently released, in Gujrat daily paper “Dibya Bhaskar” as for the said the news report from January 1st to May 10th the total no. of death in the Gujrat due to Covid was one lakh 23 thousand but the govt. data was only 4218. Is Odisha following the Gujrat model of suppressing death?

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