World Health Day observed in KALINGA Hospital with Blood Donation Camp

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New Suite rooms inaugurated

Bhubaneswar: KALINGA Hospital Ltd. (KHL) Bhubaneswar, a leading healthcare provider of Odisha observed World Health Day with a Blood Donation Camp with the Blood Centre, KHL. More than 100 employees of KHL voluntarily donated blood. The event elicited enthusiastic response from donors.

This noble initiative was graced by eminent personalities of Odisha like Dr SitaKantha Dash, Chairman, Kalinga Hospital Ltd. Bhubaneswar, Mr. Rajesh Dash, Director, Dr.Jnanedu Kumar Mohapatra, Alternate Director and Mr.Jagadananda, Co-founder, CYSD.

8 newup-to-date suite-room has unwrapped in Kalinga Hospital Ltd. The new suite provides families with a private and spacious place and to meet and spend more time with their family during the hospital stay.”We wanted a nice environment for families feel supported and secure, and to create the feeling of a normal living space where they can express how they feel in private. Along with this, We are adding more skilled physicians to provide excellent healthcare to the people.” Said, Dr.SitaKantha Dash, Chairman, Kalinga Hospital Ltd. Bhubaneswar.

Kalinga Hospital Ltd. (KHL) is the first Corporate Hospital of the State of Odisha and has been providing the advanced healthcare since more than 30 years. Ms Nilanjana Mukherjee, Managing Director, Kalinga Hospitals Ltd.Said,“ We are working on more such advanced facilities and state-of-the-art patient-care amenities at KHL in coming days. Now KHL working tirelessly to provide the best and affordable healthcare services to the people of Odisha.”

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