AM/NS India, Odisha Facility beginsCOVID-19 Vaccination Drive

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Bhubaneswar,(Kalinga Voice) : In their continued effort to ensure the health and safety of its employees, their families and business associates, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India) has privately procured 33,000 dos-es of Covid-19 vaccines. The ordered vaccines were from Serum Institute of India, the manufacturer of Covishield, and will be administered to those in the age group of 18 years and above. The pan-India vaccination drive also kicked off from 8th May at AM/NS India’s Pellet Plant in Paradeep.

The vaccination programme at the Odisha facility begun in the presence of Mr P K Mohanty, Head HR and Mr Durlav Singh, Chief Security Officer AM/NS India, Odisha Facilitywith an aim to vaccinate around 3000 people.

Mr Suresha G, Executive Director, AM/NS India- Odisha Operations, said, “Our main priority is to ensure the safety and health of our employees, their dear ones and our business associates, aiming for 100% vaccination for all. We are hopeful that our vaccination drive will be a big support to on-going vaccination programmes of the local authorities. As an extension of our commitment to our people, we have provided these vaccinations free of cost to all.”. 

AM/NS India has kick-started the COVID-19 vaccination drive at the pan-India level. The company has significantly escalated the vaccination drive at all locations across the country. 

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