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Global western Odisha hosts International Online Nuakhai Celebration

London/ Dubai/ New Delhi-Kalinga Voice

Union Minister for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Steel Dharmendra Pradhan underlined the dire need of the worldwide exposure of the rich Art, Culture, tradition and tourism potentials of western Odisha. He appealed to the Global Western Odisha (GLOWO) team to take a leading role in this regard.

Attending as Chief Guest during the first ever virtual International Nuakhai celebration hosted by Glowo, Shri Pradhan Proposed to organise a Global exhibition of the scenic and tourism spots of western Odisha like Mahanadi river and Hirakud dam. Shri Pradhan inaugurated Glowo’s International WhatsApp helpline number 9305454998 during the occasion. People across the Globe can contact this number in emergencies for any kind of assistance.

The Internet extravaganza entitled NuaKhai Bhet Ghat 2020 witnessed participation of 5000 illustrious members of western Odisha origin and their well wishers settled in 17 countries of the world and several cities of India. The esteemed Guests and eminent speakers of National and International repute, who participated in the deliberations and highlighted the unique fragrance and quintessence of the Nuakhai are veteran leaders Bhakta charan Das, Raseswari Panigrahi, Kalikesh Singh deo ex- MP,  MLAs Mukesh Mahaling, Debesh Acharya, Youth leader Irasish Acharya, Celebrated Entrepreneur, D. Muralikrishna, Senior bureaucrats Aravinda Padhi, Nandita Mishra, Bishnupada Sethi, Manoranjan Panigrahi, Mahesh Pujari, Ace Diplomat’s Madan Mohan Sethy, Manas Raj Patel, Dillip Rath and cultural stars like Dibyadisha Mohanty,Chinmayee Mishra, Jitendra Mishra, Sabyasachi Mohapatra and Prabodh Rath. They appealed for initiating all out effort to project, Promote and Popularise the Art, Culture, Crafts, Literature, Tradition, Ethos, History, Cinema, Sports, Cuisine and lifestyle of western Odisha across the Globe. The speakers lauded the Noble effort of Glowo’s team to Unite the people of the world on one digital platform to celebrate NuaKhai inspite of the catastrophe spread out due to Covid Pandemic. The organizers could successfully turn around the obstacle created by Corona to a Golden opportunity and became the Game Changer, they opined. The agriculture based mass festival NuaKhai, no more remains in the confines of western Odisha, now it has taken the shape of one of the massive cultural Jamboori in the world arena they observed. The credit goes to Glow and other International bodies, they described.

Octogenarian Mentor of Glow from Canada Arjun Purohit delivered the welcome address. Vote of thanks was proposed by the joint secretary of Glowo Ajit Pati.

 Glowo’s President Asutosh Das, General Secretary Satyendranath Panda, International Adviser Pritish Dash, Santosh Mishra and Senior Member Gajendra Sahu played the key role in the successful holding of the Mega e – Event.

 Jagruti Ratha did the compering during cultural session in very neat and lucid manner. Simita Sarangi from Bangalore and Mamata Pradhan Nayak from Manchester presented the entire program very efficiently. Siddharth Babu from Chennai managed the control room during the Web Event. Prominent personalities present during virtual Convention include Senior Journalist Kishore Dwibedi, Ramakant Sahu, Mohit Mishra, Anand Meher, Sanjib Nanda, Saroj Sharma and Rajat Vijaygad.

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