Mass testing drive in North Zone

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Step to beat pandemic by administering mass testing drive for vendors has started in the North administrative zone areas of the city today. At about 9 AM the drive has been started at Tarini market in Niladri vihar area . Veg and NonVeg vendors of the area have been tested to know their health status with regards to COVID-19.
At the outset, Additional commissioner LaxmikantaSethi and zonal Deputy Commissioner Purandar Nanda counseled the vendors in small groups about the objective and utility of mass testing drive. It was assured by the Officers that person tested positive will be taken care as per provision and voluntary testing by the vendors was requested.
In case of a vendor coming to market on daily basis is coming in contact of more than thirty persons, hence there is every chance of getting infected; told ZDCPurandar Nanda. Vendors should know their status, so that they can prevent them from serious health conditions thereby preventing own surrounding. With this Mr. Nanda made an appeal to the vendors for the testing. All the market area will be covered soon in his zone, he added

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