Nirmala says “Well done Orissa” : Naveen said “Thank You”

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman praises the government of odisha in the context of UNs pat to odisha for its disaster preparedness and management . In return Chief Minister Navin Pattanaik thanked the Union Finance minister

Finance Minister Sitharaman in a tweet praising Odisha said “Post Phailin, the UN had recognised Odisha’s preparedness as a ‘global success story’ and made plans to use it as a model for other cities.” Good read. Well done Orissa”

Chief Minister Sri Naveen Patnaik thanked Mrs. Sitharaman for endorsing Odisha’s ability to manage disasters through the unique model of community participation. Chief Minister in a tweet said ” Thank you @nsitharaman ji for endorsing #Odisha’s ability to manage disasters through the unique model of community participation. Instilling local ownership, strive for ZeroCasualty & addressing needs of most vulnerable form the core of OdishaModel.”

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