Padampur: All necessary preparedness completed and all arrangements are in place.

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Bhubaneswar : All necessary preparedness for the Poll relating to Bye Election to 01 – Padampur A.C. has been completed. Polling Parties, EVMs, Election materials, Security arrangements – all are in place, informed CEO Odisha in a press release.

As per the press release, Yesterday & today the Polling Party dispersal has taken place from R.M.C. Market yard, Padampur. Polling parties pertaining to 306 booths (mostly the Rural and distant places) have been dispersed yesterday. Polling teams pertaining to 13 booths ( mostly pertaining to urban polling stations ) have been dispersed today.  A total of 1276 Polling Officers are deployed @ 04 per booth. About 128 Polling Officers ( i.e. 32 Teams) are kept reserve. The Polling Officers have been duly trained and have been deployed after randomization.

Restriction on Election Campaigns before 48 Hrs. :

Silent period has come into force from 4.00 p.m. of yesterday. Collector, S.P. and Returning Officer have been instructed to ensure that all Political party workers, Star campaigners and Candidates who are not voters of 01-Padampur A.C, do leave the Constituency area during this period. All Community halls, Guest houses, Hotels are being checked thoroughly.

Restriction on sale of Liquor :

Dry day has also been declared w.e.f. 48 hrs. before the time fixed for Poll i.e. with effect from yesterday afternoon. Sale or distribution of liquors or the substances of similar nature in hotel, restaurants, shop or any other place are banned during this period. 

Other Restrictions :

Exit Poll – No person shall conduct any exit poll and publish or disseminate the result of any exit poll during the period from 7.00 a.m. till 4.30 p.m. of Poll day. Violators shall be punished with up to 2 yrs. imprisonment or fine or both as per Sec.126 A of R.P.Act,1951.

Opinion Poll – During the period of 48 hours preceding the hour fixed for the closure of Poll there is prohibition on display of results of Opinion Poll or any other Poll survey as per Sec.126(1) (b) of R.P.Act, 1951.

Canvassing –  within 100 mtrs. of the Booth is an offence. Violators can be arrested without warrant u/s-130 of R.P.Act-1951.


All the EVMs to be used in the Poll have been commissioned in presence of Contesting Candidates.

In case there is any defective EVM or malfunctioning EVM comes to our notice on the Poll day, guidance of Sector Officers or Trained Engineers shall be taken.

In case of need, the EVM Unit(s) shall be replaced from the stock of Reserve EVMs available with Sector Officers.

To attend to calls on exigency, there are 5 Trained Engineers from ECIL, Hyderabad who are deployed for the Poll day.

Booth Details:

Poll is going to be held in 319 booths.

In 306 booths there is change of nomenclature.

There is change in Booth location in respect of 03 Polling station i.e. 241-Mahulapali, 242-Moulapali & 295-Diptipur Polling station.  Sufficient publicity is being ensured in this regard.

Voter Details:

About 2,57, 474 Voters are participating in the Poll which consists of 1,29,497 males, 1,27,965 females and 12 Trans genders.

12 Alternative Photo Identity Documents :

ECI has recommended for 12 alternative photo identity documents for Voters, who in the absence of their EPIC, can produce any of these to establish their identity –

  1. Adhaar Card
  2. MGNREGA Job Card
  3. Pass books with photographs issued by Banks/ Post Office
  4. Health Insurance Smart Card issued by Ministry of Labour
  5. Driving Licence
  6. PAN Card
  7. Smart Card issued by RGI
  8. Indian Passport
  9. Pension Document with Photograph
  10. Service Identity Cards with Photo issued by Central/State Govt. Offices / PSUs
  11. Official I-Cards issued to M.Ps / M.L.As
  12. Unique Disability ID ( UCID) issued by Min. of Social Justice & Empowerment

Facilities for Voters :

  • Adequate publicity is being ensured for the voters. Basic minimum facilities like drinking water, light, ramp, approach roads, furniture etc. have been ensured in these booths.
  • Help Desks are being opened by engaging BLOs on the Poll day to assist voters in identifying their names
  • BLO have distributed Voter Information Slips to all the voters prior to poll which contains their sl no. in the electoral roll and polling station details
  • Posters on how to cast vote through EVMs and list of alternative  identification documents will be  pasted at each booth
  • Braille Dummy Ballot papers have been made available with each Presiding Officer  for helping visually challenged voters
  • Poll day being declared as paid holiday for all the Govt. employees as well as private employees who are voters in the constituency.
  • Voters are advised to come early to vote. In case some voters are found still in the queue at Poll closure time i.e. 4.00 p.m, slips will be distributed to them by Presiding Officers

Special arrangement for P.w.D Voters :

For transportation of PwD Voters from their houses to booth  and back, 977 Vahan passes have been issued. 89 Auto rickshaws have been arranged. Also ramps, separate queue, Volunteers with wheelchairs have been arranged at each booth.

Model Booths & Pink Booths:

15  Model Booths with facilities like Ramp, Temp. shed, separate queues, Drinking water, Volunteers for P w D and Sr. Citizens etc. will be operating on the Poll day. Similarly 06 Pink booths especially in urban areas totally manned by Trained lady Polling Officers will be opened.

Critical Booths :

Basing upon the field inputs, 79 Critical  booths have been  identified. Special arrangement is being done for such booths. In 120  booths Web casting has been planned & in 66 booths there will be CCTV coverage. 91 Micro Observers will be deployed and extra CAPF deployment will be done in appropriate locations. Political party have also given their worry list. Accordingly the deployment have been planned.

Law & Order :

Superintendent of Police, Bargarh has been entrusted upon to look into the Law & Order and proper security during the Bye Election process. A total of 1413 Police Personnel ( including 206 Police Officers, 21 platoon of Armed Police, 445 Havildars / Constables and 132 Home guards ) and 09 companies of CAPF are being deployed for the Poll. 

Enforcement measures :

181 licensed arms have been deposited in concerned police stations. 1006 persons have been booked under preventive sections of 107 & 116 Cr. P.C. 264 Non bailable warrants have been executed.

About  1,23,629 ltr. of liquor has been seized which is valued at Rs 1.13 Cr. In addition cash seizure of Rs 2.71 lakh has been made

M.C.C. :

So far 16,424 cases of misuse of Public property and 8695 cases of defacement have been recorded. 01 case of misuse of vehicle, 01 case of violation of Loud speaker have also been recorded.

38 no. of complaints have been received from political parties which were sent to DEO for enquiry and in most of the cases after due enquiry action has been taken.

16 GRS have been transferred.

Action against 3 lecturers have been recommended out of which one has been already suspended.

Action against 6 other GRS has been recommended.

14 FIRs have been registered against different persons in view of law and order situation and violation of model code of conduct.

Two Hourly Report on Poll Day :

On the Poll day i.e. on 05th Dec, 2022, Mock Poll will start at 5.30 a.m. followed by Poll at 7.00 a.m.. Two-hourly voting turn out report will be released for information of public.

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