Utkal University takes part in Mo College launch ceremony

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : more than 110 teaching and non-teaching staff and close to 200 students of Utkal University took part in the launch of “Mo College” programme. LED screens were set in the New Administrative Block to witness the launch ceremony that was being live-streamed. Chief Minister, Sri Naveen Patnaik launched the programme via video conferencing and the launch ceremony was live-streamed through Youtube, Facebook and other social media sites.

This is a wonderful initiative that provides an opportunity to reconnect with the vast network of our alumni. The best thing is this initiative will give a boost to the alumni connect component of NEP 2020. Such programmes will hugely benefit the students and educational institutions,” said Prof. SabitaAcharya, Vice-Chancellor of the university.

Prof. KunjaBihari Panda, Coordinator of Mo College Abhijan, Utkal University coordinated and organised the event in the campus. When asked about the programme, he said, “it is a welcoming initiative. After the success of Mo School campaign, Mo College is being launched. Everyone has an unique attachment towards their alma mater. This programme will provide the opportunity to reconnect with their colleges and universities and such associations will benefit not only the present students and educational institutions but also society as a whole.”

Earlier in February this year, Sri AkashDasnayak, Chairperson, Mo College had visited the Vice-chancellor of Utkal University and had a discussion regarding the programme. Utkal University has already set up an Alumni office in the campus and actively working with the alumni association.

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