39 landmines destroyed and saved lives of many
The name of the rat has also been recorded in animals, playing an important role in the safety of the people. Till now dog and cat have been known to save lives. However, a rat is awarded a gold medal for his bravery. Rat has also been awarded the title of Hero Rat.
Magawa rat has been stationed in Cambodia
According to a CNN report, the giant African rat Magawa has been awarded the Gold Medal for bravery. The Magawa Rat has been awarded this award for discovering and destroying landmines in Cambodia. The award is given by the British Veterinary Charity Society People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDCA) to animals performing incredible work.
Trained to destroy explosives
According to the report, a large number of people die and are also injured every year by landmines laid in the ground by opposing factions in Cambodia. A few years ago the magawa rat was employed to destroy the landmines and explosives here. The Magawa rat is completely in the hunt for explosives and destroying them.

Traced 39 landmines in 7 years
The magawa rat is much larger and heavier than the normal rat. Magawa has worked to save the lives of millions of people in a career of 7 years. According to the report, over the years, Magawa has traced 39 landmines and identified 28 explosives before destroying them.
Gold medal is most prestigious in Animal Award
PDCA director Jan McLaglin said in the Virtuel presentation that Magawa is a Hero Rat. His dedication to keep the society safe has proved that he deserves the Gold Medal. He said that it is the most prestigious award in the Animal Award. Prior to the Magawa Rat, this award has been given to many brave dogs and pigeons for their significant contributions.