Barbil/Joda(Kalinga Voice) : BJP is the true inheritor of the Indian tradition while all other political parties have branded everything associated with this great tradition as sectarian, unworthy of being followed. BJP believes in the saying of Swami Vivekananda that “It is out of the past that the future is moulded. It is the past that becomes the future”. There is an emerging consensus among Indian political thinktanks that the Bharatiya Janata Party is not just dominant in the political system, but is the hegemonic force. India remains a vibrant democracy. Indian society remains remarkably diverse. India also has an assertive electorate, which can be politically mobilised on a range of reasons. And BJP has been driving the momentum. This momentum has to be carried to the next election. Senior BJP leaders have expressed such views at Mandal (block) level training camps.

Aiming to develop a strong base of trained cadre BJP has successfully organised such training camps for party workers where they were made aware about the party’s ideology and political activism. In all the 9 mandals of the Champua Assembly Constituency of Keonjhar District has been completed In the last phase of the training programme Joda , Bamebari and Bhadra Sahi were in focus . A five session camp held at at Lakshmi Padia , Joda for Joda Mandal , Jajang Club for Bamebari Mandal and and BJP’s Party Office Barbil for Bhadra Sahi Mandal on Monday, Senior party leaders including Ex general secretary of state executive Dr. Murlimanohar Sharma , State Spoke person for BJP Mr Satyabrata Panda, Barbil’s Ex Chairman Mr Dillip Mishra ,General secretary of state executive of Yuva Morcha Amar Singh , Khageswar Mahanta, Ms Mamata Singh and State Council member Dev Prasad Mishra addressed the party workers. Mr Murli Sharma addressed the party workers about challenges before the nation and role of media in influencing public opinion.